Update from Administrator – August 5, 2021

Update from Administrator – August 5, 2021

Dear Families and Responsible Parties,
I hope this email finds you healthy and safe. As I am sure you are aware, the recent significant uptick in COVID cases in the greater Bristol region is causing an increase in individuals being hospitalized for COVID-related complications. Once those individuals have stabilized and are ready to continue their recovery, they are admitted to skilled nursing and rehabilitation centers, such as Sheriden Woods Health Care Center.

Due to the expertise and training of our staff we have developed a quarantine area within our center to care for individuals recovering from COVID-19, post-hospital care. Although we happily experienced an extended respite from COVID cases, we have been helping individuals recovers from COVID for more than a year now. We also have a “stockpile” of personal protective equiptment (PPE) ready for our team.

Because these individuals are considered recovering and not new cases to our center, they will not affect visitation guidelines set by the state and CDC.

As additional guidance comes to us and any other developments occur, we will continue to keep you informed. Please do not hesitate to contact me or any member of our leadership team with any questions you may have about our general policies and procedures, and of course any specific questions you have about the care of your loved one.

And finally, and most importantly – we can’t stress enough the importance of getting vaccinated. While a significant majority of our residents are vaccinated, if your loved one is not yet vaccinated, please contact Lily Jaglall at 860-583-1827 to schedule a vaccination. We are working with our pharmacy provider now to conduct additional in-house clinics in the coming weeks for any staff and residents who have not yet received their vaccination. Vaccination remains the most important defense against illness and hospitalization from COVID-19. So-called “vaccine breakthrough” cases have occurred in Connecticut, but they remain rare.

Sincerely, Krista Wagner, Administrator

August 5, 2021 A Healthier Approach To Caring